Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Here we go again another erth quake with tsunami ... what's happening to the world. Are we coming to an end or is this a new beginning. Only lord knows.
I have been busy lately, so didn't have much time to write. Here we are again with the UMNO agm starting today ends on 16/10, at first did not want to go but zaitun insisted on it, maybe we drive down tomorrow. she is so eager of the outcome of the review on UMNO new election policy. I'm that hopeful but we see how it goes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I would like to bring forward this idea, why are we refusing to see what's in front of us? Are trying to turn a blind eye or just plain stupid. the new generation wants new faces and new agenda now that we are in the Millenium era,don't we see it?That's why they are not supporting us like we used to.
I brought forward in a meeting but was given a shrug off. So let them rot and face the music.Those who have held the post for more than 3 terms should think of letting go or retired. Unless this is practise UMNO will die....

Friday, November 16, 2007


I'm a true malay,muslim and very malaysian. Born and bred in Penang Island ,studied abroad and come back to serve the people! Why are we still not getting anywhere much ? What's wrong we seem to be going backwards....

Being a muslim is very personal and should be a way of life to us and our family. Why are imposing our rules and regulations on those non-muslim, not fair isn't it? we should respect the freedom of religous beliefs and culture, right? Cakap tak serupa bikin ke?